Yet, I digress.
To a large degree, I see McCain, Obama, and Clinton (from here on referred to as Hillary) as exactly the same: politicians. It wouldn’t be unusual to hear me say, “I trust politicians about as far as I can throw ‘em.” It would be more accurate, however, to say that I take everything that politicians say with a grain of salt, and while I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, their position as elected/public officials (allegedly leaders) and the responsibility that such a position carries prompts me…requires me… to apply a rigorous degree of scrutiny to the stances they take and the claims that they make. At this point, you may feel enlightened about my motivations, but if you’re an Obama supporter I’m sure you still feel that I am unfairly focusing on Obama.
Get over it.
So, why haven’t I posted anything about McCain or Hillary? I haven’t posted anything on McCain or Hillary for the same reason I haven’t addressed every single aspect of Obama; I have a life and can only spare so much of it to focus on the circus which is US politics. There is so much fodder related to each of the candidates, I can’t possibly blog it all.
So why did I choose Obama? I didn’t, he did. When he made it clear that he buys into the “culture of oppression,” he espouses the conspiracy theory that some external force continues to thwart black Americans’ success in our time, he accepts and practices racism against non-minorities in America, and he not only believes the lie, but bolsters and spreads the lie, and is depending on that lie to secure his election to the position of President of the United States… well heck, I realized that someone with two firing brain cells ought to point out the obvious to the rest of the US.
Originally, I realized that plenty of rational people recognize Obama’s most crucial shortcoming, and I almost decided not to blog. Then I realized that there is an incredible Obama following that have shut their eyes to this most important issue, and no matter what lengths Obama goes to to point out his own pointed prejudice, these blinded believers cling to the notion of change…strictly for the sake of change.
“Quick, I think we’re headed right into the ditch, steer left toward the cliff.”
If this blog can help at least one poor, guilted soul to cast fear aside, I’ve fulfilled my civic duty. If it helps… I’m black, and I forgive you.
Now, snap out of it, and help me steer this damned thing!