Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Michael Brown's Tragic Proof

In light of the chaos ongoing in Ferguson, MO, I have to ask myself why, given the choice and responsibility to choose between an angry lynch mob and the justice system, alleged leaders in America sided first with the lynch mob.

Those alleged leaders fostered an environment in which justice could no longer survive under any circumstances.

Had the grand jury indicted Officer Wilson, the lynch mob would have been thus reinforced, believing its lawless, violent actions the key to newly won “justice.” What if that indictment did not yield a conviction? Likely the same outcome as when the grand jury "failed" to yield an indictment, the previously condoned and now inevitable lawless violence.

This is no longer about the death of Michael Brown, but about the death of American leadership.

Talking heads continue to lament how the justice system mishandled the situation, ignoring the fact that the justice system was prematurely judged “guilty” by not only the lynch mob, but also the alleged leaders of the community and even alleged leaders of the nation. Perfection itself would have been insufficient under the circumstances, had it failed to render the lynch mob’s demands.

What was to be lost by first calling the lynch mob to task for violence and lawlessness? Why was it necessary to reinforce unfounded accusations of a civil rights violation, before allowing the justice system to even try?

Alleged leaders effectively ruled out any chance the justice system might prevail. Why?

In destroying any chance the justice system could prevail, those same alleged leaders ensured their followers would never rely on the justice system and would never feel justice. This is most puzzling and horrifying when those same leaders parade a slogan of “no justice, no peace.”

These alleged leaders have made justice unrecognizable, unpalatable, and ultimately impossible, and by their own slogan’s admission, they have done the same for peace.

Michael Brown is dead, and while the situation is indeed tragic, that does not automatically imply that it was murder, or even criminal. Nor does his tragic death absolve him of the potential role he played in his own death. It is possible and plausible Officer Wilson’s actions were warranted.

Why are alleged leaders unable or unwilling to recognize and acknowledge these facts?

Unfortunately, the answer to both of our pertinent “whys” is closely related to why Michael Brown robbed the store, why Michael Brown disrespected the police officer and disobeyed lawful authority and direction, and why Michael Brown might have felt justified in all this to physically contest and assault an officer of the law and ignore that officer’s order to stand fast.

The alleged leaders in this entire situation have, as a rule among black communities, sewn distrust of the American system. Conveniently, that philosophy has reined in black support to anyone outside those same alleged leaders, but at what cost to the Michael Browns of America? The Michael Browns of America have been convinced that law and order in America is a conspiracy of oppression to be resisted and railed against.

Before Michael Brown’s blood was spilled, his alleged leaders had convinced him the justice system was corrupted beyond measure and should hold no sway in his life. Hence, Michael Brown would so vehemently reject an officer’s simple and rational instruction not to walk down the middle of the street; something a parent might naturally teach their child for safety’s sake.

Alleged leaders misled Michael Brown to his death.

Rather than instructing Michael Brown on how the system works, they fed him lies and conspiracies and imprisoned him in ignorance. Had those alleged leaders truly led Michael Brown, he might have known how to interact with an officer of the law. He might have prevented his own death, rather than contributing to it. He might have denied the system at least this one opportunity to prove itself; and what tragic proof.