Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Real Reason

Growing up I was inundated with the politics and culture of oppression which asserted I would be continually and maliciously thwarted by...THE WHITE MAN!” (cue thunder and lightning)

One day, I was walking along with reasoning in one hand and racist conspiracy in the other. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going; I was distracted, busy wrestling with the notion of applying myself faithfully and diligently toward a productive life in a system which would allegedly frustrate and marginalize all my obviously futile efforts. Needless to say, I tripped and fell.

As I stumbled, to my shock (quite unintentionally I assure you), I accidentally applied the reasoning in one hand to the racist conspiracy in the other. When I picked myself up, I couldn’t find the racist conspiracy anywhere, and I was covered with this kind of strange potential. It was everywhere; all over my hands and face, even in my eyes. I was soaked to the skin with it. Worse, I couldn’t move without getting it all over everything. My life would never be the same.

At first, most black folks just laughed and made fun of me, but things seemed to take a very serious turn once it was clear that I couldn’t shake the new found potential, and I no longer had my racist conspiracy. Almost without warning, ten years of hard work and clean living erupted into success. It was as if I had a disease that slowly mutated me into some sort of freak. I was ostracized and even attacked; I was an anathema, and everyday was a trial. So, I decided it was best for me to leave the city…and go off to college.

College proved to be an even greater trial when I discovered, to my dismay, that the potential wasn’t the problem, it was my reasoning.

One day in class, the professor was teaching the political theory that reasoning and racist conspiracy can be combined to form a type of Liberal Democrat. I was intrigued, because it seemed to be the answer to all my inner turmoil (and guilt). Having grown up within the black community, when I brought my reasoning to the discussion, it was like nothing the professor had ever seen. He was even further astonished when I asserted that mixing reasoning and racist conspiracy resulted in the complete annihilation of the conspiracy.

Then, the professor asked to see my racist conspiracy. When it became clear that I had no racist conspiracy, suddenly it was as if I had nothing further to offer the discussion. My life experience had no value within the discussion of Democratic politics. This thoroughly confused me since I had grown up a Democrat. Why, when I had managed to find the ever elusive "success" and knew exactly how to truly enable the black community would I suddenly have no place as a Democrat? Hmm, strange.

Anyway, I dropped out of school, because I seemed to fit there even less than I fit in the black community I had grown up in. I decided to focus on what I had come to do best, working hard. I wandered the earth working. I worked and worked and worked. I never could shake reasoning and consequently applied logic and rationale to all that I did. Success haunted me wherever I went, manifesting itself in the completion of my degree and distinguished serivce to my nation. I thought I was cursed…then I met God, and He showed me the Truth…I am blessed.

Now, I embrace the Truth. I embrace reason and logic. I test everything. Then, it happened…

God came to me through a Bush that the media constantly reported was on fire…yet he was not consumed. He commanded me to go to the Democrats and tell them….

(...wait for it…)

“Let my people go.”


Grandma said...

And having just finished meaningful!

Anonymous said...

Jaw droppingly fantastic! You have a way with words.

Michael said...

You sir, are a prince and a gentleman. You have suddenly made my blogroll. Welcome, friend!


instinct said...

I hope you won't mind that I added you to my blogroll as well.

Wonderful post and so very accurate.