Thursday, October 25, 2012

“Rape is Rape.”

Earlier this week, in an email to reporters, and also during a taping of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Obama revisited gaffs (or what some might call Biden-isms) by Indiana GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock and Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin, both of whom oppose abortion even in cases of rape. Obama didn't need anything close to 28 days (more clear cut than Benghazi, I guess) to take advantage of Mourdock’s and Akin’s recent missteps to imply that Mitt Romney and Republicans somehow find rape acceptable.

At one point Obama capped off his stance declaring (self-)righteously,
“Rape is rape.”

Obama seems to imply that there is an unequivocal moral standard that can be applied to rape, elevating it to the most absolute categorization of evil beyond any discussion or debate. Well said, indeed.

It is puzzling (and revealing); however, that while Obama is willing to recognize and invoke such an absolute moral standard to the benefit of his personal political campaign, he is unwilling to do so on behalf of human life. Apparently, for Barack Obama, human life does not warrant such lofty moral consideration.

According to Obama, extinguishing a human life growing in the womb is merely a decision of “choice,” like dessert or ice-cream; “chocolate or vanilla?” Abortion for Obama is simply an arbitrary decision about food, fashion, fad, or fancy, which of course is understandably why he feels no law should intervene or infringe upon any woman’s exercise of such a trivial decision.

What a contrast that Obama is allegedly capable of such lofty, honorable concern about human dignity in one breath, and then completely, casually callous about human life in the very next breath.

It actually makes it very clear for those who are not wearing blinders or Roe’s colored glasses; for Obama, human life only has value in certain situations (such as when that life can vote…for him). I would surmise that Obama doesn’t believe human life is human life any more than he genuinely believes rape is rape. What Obama really meant is,

Rape is politics (just like an abortion is just a choice).


Cane Caldo said...

Elspeth bid me take a gander at your blog.

I'm a sucker for puns: "Roe’s colored glasses".

Good work, sir.

The Father knows best. said...

Thanks for the encouragement.

Btw, Norma McCorvey no longer wears those glasses...making the pun that much more potent, in my opinion.

Cane Caldo said...

I was aware she had switched teams...but I hadn't known that this all went down in Texas. My homeland!